February 2025
"The Lord doesn’t play favorites, takes no bribes, makes sure orphans and widows are treated fairly, takes loving care of foreigners by seeing that they get food and clothing” Deuteronomy 10:18
Our Privilege and Responsibility
Since day 1 over 25 years ago it has been our privilege to partner with local Zimbabwe churches whose mission, vision, core values, and biblical doctrines align with Hands of Hope. Our 16 HOH residential homes are in and around Harare but pastor Gideon, his wife Jennifer, and the leadership at Fountain of Hope Church in Bulawayo started Hillside a home for girls several years ago. You can see the lovely young girls who are now followers of the Lord Jesus.
We continue to thank God for allowing us to minister to children like Siphathokuhle. She lost her family and thus the opportunity to attend school. She joined Hillside House of Hope in January last year and she is a new creation in Christ. The teachers at school discovered that she is exceptionally good at athletics (track and field) as well as netball. She now plays not just for the school but also for the community netball club. She has a dream to become a professional netball player. She is letting her light shine in the home, at school, at Fountain of Hope and in the community.
On behalf of children like Siphathokuhle (I am glad I have a short name) we find it difficult to express our gratitude. We are delighted to report to you we were able to meet our 2024 HOH budget. Paul wrote to the Philippians that God would supply all their needs according to the riches of His glory. Riches of grace flow from the cross, but riches of His glory from the throne to His own.
Website: hohafrica.org
For Jesus’ sake and for the children,
Glen and Patty