April 2024

“Be to me a rock of habitation to which I may continually come; You have given the commandment to save me, for You are my rock and my fortress. Save me, my God, from the hand of the wicked, from the grasp of the wrongdoer and the ruthless, for You are my hope” Ps. 71:3-5

Habitation of Hope

The Lord allowed us to purchase a 134-acre piece of property by Harare International Airport in 2013. It was formerly a backpacker’s lodge and needed a name. After Patty and I finished reading Psalm 71 together, she looked at me and said, “Maybe Habitation of Hope” would be a good name for this camp property. So that became its name and many people have come there finding hope. We just completed an HOH Caregiver’s Conference there, where these humble servants who love children from our HOH partnering churches gathered. All our caregivers must be committed to Christ, having character that models Christ, competency in giving care and a passionate sense of calling.

Caregiver’s Conference

The goals of the conference were to strengthen and encourage spiritual growth, create an environment for sharing mutual experiences, address issues of difficult children, first aid training, and teach on the biblical basis of childcare through various activities. Workers from the “Social Welfare Department of Zimbabwe” helped facilitate the topic of the cause and discipline for difficult and delinquent children. The caregivers were very thankful for this insightful presentation.

I am currently in Zimbabwe until May 9th. We will hold a 4-day and 3-night youth leadership conference from April 10-13 for around 250 of our youth from our 24 churches, followed by a 4-day and 3-night conference for pastors and their wives, plus caregiver’s from April 22-25th. Please pray that these two strategic conferences will equip, motivate and encourage our pastors, church leaders and young people. Your love, generosity, support, and prayers are transforming lives!


Website: hohafrica.org

For Jesus’ sake and for the children,
Glen and Patty