February 2020

“All the skilled women spun with their hands, and brought what they had spun, in blue and purple and scarlet material and in fine linen”  Ex. 35:25

Skilled Young Women

Nobody knows the exact unemployment rate in Zimbabwe, but estimates range as high as 90%. However, we do know that people are suffering due to the lack of job opportunities. Most people are eking out a living selling things by the side of the road or doing whatever they can to survive. Not too long ago, I shared about some young women who have been going through a year long course on sewing and design. At our latest partners meeting, one of the highlights was presenting these young women with their certificates in the dresses they had designed. But now what? The Lord has provided money for HOH to purchase a sewing machine for each of these young women through a special gift. They hope to open up a dress shop!

HOH Partners

We started HOH almost 19 years ago with 1 partner. Last week we hosted a “partner’s day” at Habitation of Hope in our new large venue where every home and transformation center was represented. It was a Blessed day hearing what our Lord is doing in the lives of our precious children and in our HOH churches! They are impacting their communities because they are loving children.

The bottom line – because of your faithful support, our children are maturing in Christ and the churches are growing. Our gratitude for you is hard to express in words!

Website: hohafrica.org
Email: glen@valleychurch.org

For Jesus’ sake and for the children, Glen and Patty