February 2023
“The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, because he trusts in You” Isaiah 26:3
Shalom Children’s Home
Peace is a running theme throughout the whole of scripture. The word most used in the Bible for peace is the Hebrew word Shalom and is used to refer to wholeness, completion, soundness, health, safety, and prosperity, along with the implication of permanence. Many years ago, we began to partner with River of Life Church and HOH Shalom became a reality. Shalom has three family units headed by house mothers, which have been set up to ensure that a loving, Christian-focused family environment is provided for each child. The church is passionate about adoption and foster care and here are three highlights from last year.
The adoption of a baby boy was finalized in March 2022 and the adoption of a baby girl was finalized in July 2022. Both children are thriving in their new forever families.
Two families stepped forward to foster children based at Shalom.
A young boy was reunified with his grandmother. He was initially placed at Shalom by Department of Social Development pending investigations into his living circumstances and reports of abuse.
is 6 years old and she was placed at Shalom due to alleged abuse. Investigations into the abuse by the Police and judicial system are ongoing. Thus it is not possible for her to return to her family. She is adjusting well and along with the other children attend River of Life Church, take part in Sunday School, and worship services.
attends a special needs school due to brain damage that he experienced due to abuse as a young boy, Lucky, will require lifelong support and currently is attending a tertiary institution which caters for those with special needs. The church is investigating long-term options for him.
Your loving support for special children like Kunahse and Lucky enable them to expereince the love and forgiveness found in the Lord Jesus. He alone is the standard for Shalom or genuine peace. We are so grateful for your kindness.
For Jesus’ sake and for the children,
Glen and Patty
Website: hohafrica.org