August 2021

“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families, he leads out the prisoners with singing” Psalm 68:5-6


HOH Vision

For over 20 years our vision has been to give children at risk a hope, a family and a future! Can anyone be more alone than a child without a father, a mother or a caregiver? When a child has hope it is often displayed on their faces. The 3 precious young girls that you see reflect what can happen in the heart of a child when they are placed in an HOH home. Each home has a “care plan” that specifies the care a child requires to develop socially, emotionally, physically, intellectually and spiritually. It also allows the child to participate in making decisions that affect their life. It allows our caregivers to treat each child as an individual person loved by our Heavenly Father.



Nqobile, was staying with a leader of the apostolic sect who made her drop out of school by convincing her that evil spirits were following her. Therefore, if she went to school and he was not with her the evil spirits would harm her. The school together with CHILDLINE as well as a local HOH church helped free her and she is now part of our Hillside home. Her last report card showed 6 ‘A’s and 2 ‘B’s. Praise God!


During my visit to Zimbabwe back in May it was my honor to share with almost all of our precious HOH caregivers for three days at Habitation of Hope. They are some of the most selfless servants that I have ever met. Their dedication and pateince is very humbling. They care for children like Nqobile 24/7!


We want to express afresh our heart-felt gratitude to you. Schools are currently closed due to COVID and thus we have been giving those in our homes extra lessons. Thanks for being on our Hands of Hope team!



Because of His love,
Glen and Patty