April 2022
“No one ever cared for me like Jesus, there's no other friend so kind as He; no one else could take the sin and darkness from me, O how much He cared for me” Charles Frederick Weigle
The quote above is the chorus of a hymn called, “No one ever cared for me like Jesus.” Friends, that is a true statement and a great title! Because the Lord Jesus is unparalleled, unrivaled, unsurpassed and unbeatable when it comes to love and compassion.
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The servants you see pictured are our HOH caregivers that oversee our 18 homes, 5 preschools, 5 bridging schools as well as our other transformational centers. They are from all over Zimbabwe caring for some of the most vulnerable children at risk in the world.
Hands of Hope Caregiver’s Conference
We held our annual Caregivers Conference from the 18th to the 20th of March 2022. The goal of the conference was to refresh, encourage, equip, and challenge our caregivers so that they are better prepared to meet the deepest needs of children. It was also a time to reinforce the mission, vision, and core values of Hands of Hope.
One of our strategic sessions was on Child evangelism focusing on how best caregivers can minister the word of God to the children in their projects. It was a time to exchange notes as well as learning new ways of not only evangelizing our children but helping them understand the process of growth into Christlikeness. Another session focused on “child protection.” Most of our HOH churches are located in rural and high-density communities where children are often taken advantage of. Our caregivers need to be aware of the signs of abuse as well as how to report cases affecting children under their care.
We want to thank you for loving those who come from hard places. We know you care because your support is tangible just like our Savior’s love for each of us. “We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.” 1 John 3:16
Website: hohafrica.org
Because He first loved us,
Glen and Patty