TC Refresher Course

The ministry team had a Refresher course for the workers in the five pioneering Transformational Centers (T.Cs) from the 04th to the 06th of March 2022 at Habitation of Hope. Our main objective was to envision our partners on how they can consolidate the gains on the previous year in this new season. The first speaker taught the importance of non-violent communication at TCs, with the elements that include language, observation, and focusing on the needs that children have.

Bishop Pindurai led devotion on the morning of the 5th from Philippians 4. He encouraged the workers to go back into their communities and serve with humility. Pastor Warikandwa from SOS Waterfalls (teaching in the picture above) taught on the importance of setting a good school tone in the T.Cs. He emphasized on having Christian values in our preschools and bridging schools.

Mr. Chikumbu (pictured teaching above) from Viva Network Zimbabwe taught how to create a child-friendly environment through a deep understanding of the rights of children. He stressed that a child-friendly environment is inclusive, gender-sensitive, and non-discriminating to mention just a few. We also, got time for outdoor team building activities with a special focus on Awana games. I stepped in Blessed’s shoes in the evening on the Rachel training. All in all, we are happy to report that our new TC team is intact and ready to make a difference in their projects.