Partner's Conference

2022 Report

We had a partners’ conference on the 4th of February 2022. A total of 47 people attended the conference at Habitation of Hope. The goal of the conference was to plot a road map for our partners for the year 2022.

Devotionals were led by Mr. Mutingwende focusing on deeper childcare ministry. Everyone who attended the conference was encouraged to go an extra mile in ministry to children. We heard remarks from one of the HOHT Board members Mr. Miles Hall in absentia. He encouraged the partners to continue the good work and assured the support of Hands of Hope Trust to partners as long as they continue to be in line with the values and goals of HOHT.

Stewart presented on the Transformational centers and encouraged the partners who still have the feeding center models to catch the vision of the Transformational center model. He also set the tone for the year 2022. Hellen presented on Residential care model, giving emphasis on spiritual ministry to children in homes. She also gave a 2022 road map for homes. Blessed presented about the importance of Monitoring and evaluation, he envisioned the partners on how the arm of M and E is going to enhance the work being done in projects this year.

The department of Social Services was represented by Mrs. Bakasa. She presented on the goals of the government in child care this year and also touched on the role of the church in child care. During her presentation she answered, helped and clarified some issues amongst the participants of the conference. Another important presentation was on the financial accountability and stewardship of resources done by the Finance team. Mr. Mahere was able to stipulate the requirements of the organization concerning finances and stewardship. He also spelt out some of the measures that the organization has put in place to ensure there is transparency amongst the partners concerning finances. Mr. Chipfiko and Mr. Masuka had the opportunity to present on the agro-skills and the Simira sewing skills respectively. The presentations were well received as some partners gave testimonies about how the skills have been helping children from their projects. Some partners actually asked if they could bring in their children to join the agro skills program.

The conference was a success, we received positive feedback from the partners. The tone is set for the year and our partners are fired up to minister to children in a deeper way this year.