Hats off to the Habitation team, Tinaye and his team are doing a fantastic job.
The Meeting place is fast replacing the main lodge as the cover photo of Habitation of Hope.
The landscaping is coming up.
I failed to capture the melodies from birds that have also found the place homely. Even if I managed I was going miss an important aspect, the fragrance from blooming flowers. Is the looming drought going to spare the scenery?
We are at the end of the rain season. Normally the dams and rivers are at their maximum capacity at this time. Look at the pictures above, the first picture is the weir close to Riverside Lodge and the second is Ruwa River (the usually big river as we get to Habitation). The Zimbabwe meteorological department says the drought is the worst in 40 years.
Agric, Borehole and Staff Houses
Thomas has a lot to smile about. Today is harvest day for him and his team. It seems the wind sits in the shoulder of their sail. Their success, however, has attracted thieves from the neighboring Epworth community. All efforts to stop the stealing of their produce are being made.
Avante has started drilling a borehole which is sited between Cosmos and Fungai’s houses.
Solar systems for the two staff houses have been installed.