Eight children from the Donhodzo Project are currently being supported at St Francis High School in Chegutu. The Menlo Church team monitors their progress and visits them each year.

Two boys, Tonnex White and Christopher Zifa, who have shown particular promise, are now at Mt St Mary’s, a Catholic Boarding school in the Wedza area. They are taking the all-important “O” levels this year which will decide whether they are candidates to go to “A” level, the university track.

Sports Day at Mt St Mary’s (Tonnex left and Chris right)

Irene Chavundura, the computer science teacher. She teaches both boys and gives progress reports to the Menlo team.

Charles Kaguda, HoH National Director, and Pastor Nyemba visiting the school chapel.

We are very happy that a bright young lady, Rachel Chikomo from Chegutu, who has done very well at St Francis, will join the boys at Mt St Mary’s this third term (September 2019) in Form 2. We expect she will also be likely to excel and get to university.

We visited Rachel and her mother in Chegutu in August, and they were all thrilled at the prospect of this opportunity for Rachel.