Caregivers are the frontline carers of children that come from hard places, and they play a crucial role in meeting the needs of children holistically thus body, soul, and spirit. We had a successful caregivers conference from the 18th to the 20th of February at Habitation of Hope Campsite (HOHC). The main objectives of the conference included creating an environment for the sharing of mutual experiences, strengthening and encouraging spiritual growth in caregiving, and enhancing the efficiency of medication for children in projects, to mention just a few.

Blessed and I started the conference by introducing the significance of evangelizing children in projects and also how caregivers can deepen the ministry of evangelizing in projects. On Day 2, Uncle Gari (pictured above) led sessions on the importance of having a Child Protection Policy on a project. These sessions encouraged the caregivers to work in groups and foster teamwork among them as pictured below. Doctor Kudzi Chisenwa, (a board member with HOHT pictured above in a white shirt) taught about having a mind that is free from depression as a caregiver, and he also opened the floor for a question-and-answer segment to allow the frontline caregivers to ask about some of the health conditions they come across as they work with children daily.

Pastor Zihove, in the picture (administrator to Rugare Residential Homes and TC, as well as Mhondoro TC) joined the last session of the last day. He encouraged the caregivers to start implementing and executing everything that they learned during this year’s caregivers' conference. He encouraged the caregivers that they must be strong and courageous. It was emphasized that they should work diligently to reach every child in their projects, for the enemy prowls like a lion, seeking those he may devour. We would like to extend our gratitude to HOH USA for providing the financial support that made running this year’s caregivers conference a success.


Compiled by Stewart