
Harare Homes VBS camp

We had a successful VBS camp for children from 12 Hands of Hope Residential care projects. A total of 66 children attended the camp. It was a fun-packed camp that was aimed at teaching children the truth about their identity in Christ.


We used the Global Encounters curriculum to teach children about being redeemed and forgiven, being made righteous in Christ’s righteousness, adoption through Christ, and that they are loved. Lessons were taught in the form of games, stories, and crafts. Each day children would hear different stories, play different games, and make crafts that reminded them about the lesson of the day. Children also got a chance to be part of the stories, and this was a great way of helping them remember the lessons. A total of 4 verses were memorized during the camp.


Children also enjoyed team-building games. It was an eventful night on Thursday when Team Red won the gold medal. The team-building games helped the children bond and make new friends. They also learned some life lessons about competition and working hard.


We are very excited about the children who responded to the gospel. We believe these camps are a life-changing experience for all the children who attended. Their childhood will be a memorable one, especially for those who came to know Christ during HOHT camps. Thank you, Hands of Hope USA, for making the camp possible may the Lord bless you. We would also like to thank Elizabeth Fox for partnering with us to impact children through the VBS camp.


Compiled by Hellen Doisi (Residential Care Coordinator)