
The Warmth of Love

Eleven children from our four Hands of Hope residential homes for children from hard places received a generous donation of colorful, soft and warm quilts.

Auntie Barbra of Philadelphia 2 Children’s Home in Hatfield, Harare received 9 quilts on behalf of her 5 toddlers. The donation brought so many smiles as kids admired the soft and warm artwork. Auntie Barbra expressed her heartfelt gratitude towards the team that is behind this gift.


Philadelphia 3 is home to 12 children. 3 of the kids are below the age of 4. Batsirai (Shona name meaning help) is the mother-in-charge of the home. From left we have Tatenda, Blessing (on Auntie Batsirai’s lap) and Aku. Tonight, these kids will sleep in warmer beds.


Our Rugare Children’s Home received a new baby on the 24th of December 2020. The baby came through Rugare Police Station. He was abandoned along the railway line near Rugare suburb. The person who abandoned him tried to make sure the baby will not make noise till the next train comes by drugging him with a high alcohol cheap brew. Fortunately, he was picked by passersby.

Mharidzo, Pastor Henry’s wife is looking after the baby. She was thankful to God for the timeous gift. Her team is still running around to get baby food, clothing and bedding for the child. She said the baby only came with a torn rhombus baby cloth. Rugare police is still trying to locate the parents.


Our Runyararo Children’s home is a proud recipient of 2 quilts. Auntie Precious -a Social Worker in charge of the home received the donation on behalf of the babies.


May the Lord bless the team behind this wonderful work.