Thank you to all our Hands of Hope partners
Dear brothers and sisters,
While the foundation of our ministry is based on James 1:27, one cannot avoid asking
the recurring question that marks this time of the year: What is the significance of the
celebrations marking this time? To followers of the Lord Jesus, the mystery of the
gospel comes alive: “The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us...”
(Jn.1:14). Indeed, love came down from heaven at Christmas (Jn.3:16). The great “I
AM” presented himself as a vulnerable and seemingly powerless little baby, yet He is
the All-powerful Creator of the Universe! (Jn. 1:3; Col.1:16, 19). To me that continues
to boggle my feeble mind – such inexplicable love of the Father on display for all to see
(1 Jn.3:1). And to know with absolute certainty that “when Christ appears, we shall be
like him, for we shall see Him as He is” (1 Jn. 3:2b). But what is mankind that the Lord
God is mindful of them, human beings that He cares for them (Ps. 8:4)?
As I see it, the answer comes from 2 Corinthians 5:19: “God was reconciling his people
to Himself in Christ…” Therefore we are all in the ministry of reconciling the human
race to their Creator and God. As we raise the children in our homes and minister to
them directly or indirectly, we all form an intricate network of reconcilers and restorers.
Some do the planting of the word in the children, others the watering and nurturing; but
it is the Lord God who transforms the lives of these children to conform to His image,
and for His glory.
This year we have witnessed abundant blessings to the ministry in Zimbabwe.
Unimaginable things have happened in our midst: some of our children have graduated
from university and tertiary colleges, some have just started their undergraduate
studies, and many more are involved in skills training to enhance their capacity to look
after themselves after leaving the homes. Indeed glory be to God our Father!
We take this opportunity to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to all our partners both in
Zimbabwe and outside the country, who have been so generous in their giving of their
financial resources and those in Zimbabwe who spend time with those children rescued
from distress. We pray that the Lord will continue to bless you in so many ways that we
can only imagine. You have been so wonderful in our sight and, more so, in the sight of
the Lord. May you continue to experience His goodness in your lives as you serve Him
in the ways you do? Amen.
Charles Kaguda
National Director: Hands of Hope Trust (Zimbabwe) December 2017