Habitation of Hope Fire Update
September 15, 2017
On the morning of August 30th, a fire began on a neighboring farm to Habitation of Hope. After jumping the road as well as the fire break, the fire entered on to the backside of Habitation's property. Our staff of 20 immediately came running as we formed lines carrying buckets of water. Without a way to get a good supply of water and with flames reaching 6-7 meters high, there was no way of slowing the fire down. The fire traveled 1km in the span of 10 minutes while burning through irrigation lines, our fields, and our greenhouses. The fire brigade was called immediately but by the time they arrived, 90% of the farm had burned. The camp remained untouched as the fire was put out before it reached that side.
Habitation of Hope consists of a camp side and a farm side. The farming side is used as a base for skills training where kids who have aged out of our homes and feeding projects have an opportunity to learn farming skills. It is also used to raise crops that are used to provide food for camps and homes as well as being sold to help pay costs in relation to the staff, interns, and helping make Habitation of Hope self-sustainable.
Our Hands of Hope team of Charles Kaguda, Steve Love, Garikai Masuka, and Farayi Nyamayaro and the rest of our Habitation staff along with our Zimbabwe and USA Boards are working diligently towards the restoration of Habitation of Hope. Steve and his team have already begun work on repairs and replanting.
The estimated damages to the property and of lost wages come out to approximately $18,452.00. The fundraising efforts will be done in partnership with TEAM. TEAM is a Global Alliance of Churches and Missionaries who help run operations on the farming side of Habitation of Hope.
We would like to invite our Hands of Hope Community in being a part of the restoration of Habitation of Hope by clicking on the following this link that will go directly to the project, ‘Love – Beauty from Ashes’.
You can also give General Donations in support of HOH.
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For further information, you can e-mail info@hohafrica.org or sign up for our Newsletter. Thank you for your continued love, support, and prayers for Hands of Hope and children at risk. We love you all and are so grateful to serve the Kingdom alongside of you.